Case Story
These are the few real life stories happening in our care home that are inspiring, interesting and funny. Do visit us regularly to find out more.
To Be Independent Again

The Green Ribbon Association was informed by the public that this 79 year old chronically ill man was left dying in his wooden shelter. During home visit, he was found starved and in a confused state. He was immediately brought to the hospital for stabilisation. Then discharged to the Green Ribbon Association's "Home of Love" charity care center because he has no one to care for him.
He was then referred to Kenneth Care Home for three months intensive nursing care starting from 20th November 2013 with the hope that he may recover and live an independent life again.
Our initial assessment showed that he has muscle wasting due to starvation and is too weak to walk. He refused to eat and bath. He is hostile and verbally abusive. His anger is merely a reflection of his past hurts from rejections by his close ones. However after much encouragement from our nurses, he began to open up and is willing to take in more food and took part in simple leg exercises.
We established high protein and high calorie diet regime with the aim to build up his muscle mass that he might have the strength to walk. Also some simple training routine for self care that he can live independently again. Stay in touch with us to see his progress.
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